HRS St. Leon-Rot
Health Research Services GmbH
Brahmsstrasse 16
D-68789 St. Leon-Rot
St. Leon-Rot is located in the Rhine plain, about 20 km south-west of Heidelberg and has very good connections to the supra-local road network via the motorways A5 (E35; Frankfurt – Karlsruhe exit no. 39 – Walldorf/Wiesloch or no. 41 – Kronau) and A6 (E50; Mannheim – Heilbronn exit no. 32 – Wiesloch/Rauenberg). It is also open to traffic by the federal roads B3 and B39.
The suburban railway stop Rot/Malsch situated on the railway line Heidelberg – Bruchsal – Karlsruhe guarantees the connection to the regional and national railway. The regularly running suburban railway provides good connections to Heidelberg and Bruchsal / Karlsruhe. The railway is supplemented by a functioning bus line, also to the centre of Wiesloch.
The community with a population of more than 12,500 inhabitants emerged, in the course of the community reform, from the two formerly independent villages of Rot and St. Leon.